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10 Top Tools for Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design

Web design and development are in such a stage that it is hard to keep up with the endless new resolutions and devices. Nowadays, everyone wants a website that looks great on your laptop, phone and tablet especially they prefer a well-deigned mobile version of their website.

Most of people want “mobile-first” in web design, so the need for mobile-friendly websites is obvious. Let’s take a look at how important responsive web designs are:

Responsive web design is not all about web design that ensures a website looks good on all devices, but it should have the same information and page elements no matter what device you view them on. Only the layout changes based on the size and capabilities of the device. There are three major principles that bind all responsive sites: Fluid Grid Systems. Fluid Image Use. Media Queries.

#Best Responsive Web Design Tools

To build better, more responsive, and more engaging websites,  you need powerful tools that will help your job easy. Some of them are:

SquarespaceMost beautiful responsive website design tool*Fully responsive 
*Can build your website using a smartphone
WixMost popular site-building tool with millions of users.*Amazing website templates
*Great functionality, design and very aggressive marketing practices
BootstrapMost popular frontend framework made for experienced developers.* Toolkit of the various elements 
ImagifyGreat image compressor and the ultimate solution to optimize images.*Optimize your. JPGs, PNGs, PDFs & GIFs. 
*Resize your images. on the fly.
WirefyBest for creating responsive wireframes*Best at planning your design around your content
Gator Website BuilderBest for Responsive Web Design Templates*Over 100 responsive website templates
*Easy to customize the templates
GridsetGreat for creating grid-based layouts *Compatible with graphics software like Fireworks and Photoshop.
Adaptive ImagesBest for Responsive Graphics, videos and Fonts*Automatically scales the image according to the screen size of the visitor
* Automatically develops, caches and hands over the perfect re-scaled webpages
Adobe Edge InspectBest for Testing And Device Detection*Tester tool that can aid in the process of checking your web page on various screen sizes and devices
ResizerBest for snapshot testing*Tests how your website looks on the three main screen sizes

Responsive Web Design Made Easy

This main trend that dominated the web design industry for the past few years is here to stay. But finding the best tools to create highly responsive web designs is not an easy task. The above tools will  help you to give wings to your thoughts and give a better user experience.

Always happy to help!

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