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Future of Mobile Apps: 5 Technology Trends to Watch in 2023

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Nearly 90% of mobile internet time is spent in apps.

By 2023, mobile apps will generate over $935 billion in revenue. A recent study shows that average person spent 4.8 hours a day on their mobile phone last year—up 30% from 2019. Social, photo and video apps like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube were the most popular mobile apps.

Mobile app development trends constantly changing as new Android and iOS app versions are released. Now every technology is using platforms like AI/ML/AR-VR. App development sector is evolving rapidly.

Here are the top mobile app development trends to watch out for in 2023

1. Voice Search: Its raising popularity

Popularity of voice tech in mobile apps is greater these days. Voice search gives many benefits to the user like multitasking, element of delight, better search, faster navigation etc.

2. AI & ML

Incorporating Artificial Intelligence in mobile app development helps them sustain current market competition and growth. By machine learning (ML), time required to develop apps can be decreased considerably.

3. AR/VR

As per recent data, by 2024 there will be an estimated 1.7 billion mobile augmented reality (AR) user devices worldwide, a rise of 1.5 billion from the 200 million seen in 2015. Many manufacturing firms began using augmented reality and virtual reality to create apps.

4. 5G

The fourth industrial revolution began with the arrival of 5G. This latest radio technology built to deliver high-speed performance. The 5G technology allows the user a better experience up through its enhanced features offered at a better speed.  IoT, cloud computing, Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR & VR): All these technologies will be used in these Mobile Apps.

5. Super apps

Superapps are mobile apps that consolidate services, features and functions of multiple mobile apps into a single app — such as financial services. One super app can include delivery, purchasing, finance, entertainment etc. A person can access a mobile bank, insurance, utility bills, and ticket booking at a time. 

Time To Focus:

The Apple App Store has 1.96 million Apps available for download. There are 2.87 million apps available for download on the Google Play Store.

How to make sure your mobile app stands out from other businesses?

Always keep up to date about the latest trends in mobile app development. Then use them in favour to create customer-friendly standard Apps.


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