WordPress: 4 Most Important Reasons to Use WordPress in 2023

WordPress: 4 Most Important Reasons to Use WordPress in 2023

Did you know, WordPress is the most interesting and fascinating CMS in the World? Here are some amazing facts for you.

  • World’s Most Popular CMS
  • Does Not Have a CEO
  • Available in 208 Languages
  • WordPress theme, ThemeForest  has been the most popular for over nine years
  • WordPress is Not Owned by Any Company

Originally released as a blogging platform in 2003, WordPress has evolved into a versatile CMS with tens of thousands of plugins and themes. To understand the popularity of this content management system, lets look into some mind blowing statistics.

  • WordPress is used by 43.2% of all websites on the internet.
  • WordPress usage has increased an average of 12% per year since 2011.
  • WordPress is used by 65.2% of all websites using a content management system.
  • WordPress powers 36.28% of the top 1 million websites

WordPress has a rich collections of plugins and themes. These are add-ons that enable you to customize the appearance and functionality of your WordPress site. It give your visitors the best experience possible.

  • There are almost 60,000 free plugins in the official WordPress plugin directory.
  • There are almost 9000 free themes in the official WordPress theme repository.
  • There are over 31,000 themes in total, including the premium options.

Apart from this mind boggling facts and statistics, lets take a look why you should use WordPress in future.

1. WordPress is Free

WordPress is free, as are many of its add-ons. It means you are free to download, install, use and modify it to match your needs. 

2.  WordPress Is Completely Customizable

WordPress is 100% open source. So you can customize it any way you want. You can view all the source code and edit it the way you want.

3. WordPress Is SEO Friendly

WordPress is the best CMS for SEO. WordPress focuses on user experience and allows you to create attractive permalinks. WordPress makes metadata easy to manage.

4.  WordPress Is Safe and Secure

WordPress is generally considered a safe content management system. But, as with anything connected to the internet, it has its vulnerabilities , so invest in protecting your site.

Final Verdict: WordPress Is Here to Stay

Companies and brands all across the world keep investing in WordPress. According to data from W3Techs, WordPress has an increase of 39.5% usage from 2021. So it is much more likely to be around for a very long time.

People use WordPress is because you can extend the functionality to make it an extremely advanced site that does all sorts of cool things!!